
New Kid Has A Name And Other Stories


Fidy Says
16th April 2011

New Kid Has A Name And Other Stories

posted in Cat Stories |

At last we’ve got round to giving the new kid a name. Are you ready?

After many long discussions we’ve come up with Bert, short for Hibbert. Don’t ask where it came from, it was just one of Peter’s inspired suggestions. So there we are.

Bert gave us a scare last week. All of a sudden, or so it seemed at the time, he lost his appetite. When I say ‘lost his apetite’ I mean it went completely. He wouldn’t eat anything and I was beginning to get concerned. Especially given the size of his appetite normally. This was very out of character.

To cut a long story short, it seems he had an abscess on his back. We didn’t know this until it burst. Once it had done he seemed much better and I’m pleased to report his appetite is back in full and his energy and enthusiasm have returned. Normal service has been resumed.

Looking back I think it would be fair to say he had been working up to it for a day or two. The truth is we’re still getting to know each other and I just missed the signs he was giving me.

At night I put his food in the conservatory. I use it like a greenhouse but the door doesn’t shut properly, so Bert can come and go as he pleases, which suits us both.

A couple of nights ago the big hairy stray, who has been coming for years, and who is terrified of people, got in by mistake and couldn’t get out. We heard a commotion whilst we were watching TV.  Fortunately Bert wasn’t in there at the  time. The stray must have gone in for the food despite the fact that I’ve been  leaving his food by the back door for years.

I went out to release him, but as soon as he saw me he panicked and just ran riot. My plants went in all directions. As soon as the door was opened he charged out. I hope he won’t be doing that again.

Today I was working in the conservatory putting strings up to support my tomatoes. Bert was helping me by chasing the strings and having a thoroughly good time.

You know when a cat is stalking  a mouse they do that sort of high pounce. Well Bert did it to my string, but forgot he was sitting under a chair at the time and banged his head quite hard.

You should have seen the look he gave me. I’m sure he thought I had done it to him. He went outside after that to re-group, but it didn’t take him too long to come round.

I think Bert is going to provide lots of stories in the weeks and years to come. Watch this space. Bring it on.

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  1. 1 On April 20th, 2011, Tomatoes » Ravendale House said:

    […] second mishap occurred when the local  stray cat got into the conservatory by mistake, panicked and couldn’t get out. He knocked several pots […]

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