


Fidy Says
4th July 2009


posted in Cat Stories |

If I live to be a hundred, I doubt I will ever fully understand cats.

I’ve been looking after cats of all shapes and sizes for the last 30 years, but there is still one thing that I can’t fathom and that’s their eating habits and   food.

Cat comes into kitchen asking to be fed.

You open a brand new pouch of cat food and place a small portion in a clean dish.

Place dish in front of cat, which sniffs at it disdainfully and wanders off into the hall with vague indifference.

You take the dish of food and place it outside.

Cat wanders nonchalantly outside, and does one of the following.

(a) Walks up to the food you’ve just placed there and begins to eat it enthusiastically.

(b) Walks up to the really old food that you put out last night for the hedgehog, who for some reason hasn’t been for his supper, and begins to eat it enthusiastically.


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